Lightbringer Sets


Lightbringer Sets
Paladin Tier 6

Armor Type: Plate
Level Req.: 70
Source: BoP token purchases and boss drops from Outland raids
Availability: Time consuming to farm and requires assistance

How to get the set:
There are three visually identical Lightbringer sets in total, one for each paladin spec:
ProtectionLightbringer Armor
RetributionLightbringer Battlegear
HolyLightbringer Raiment

Tier 6 sets are unusual in the fact that the bracers, belts and boots were added later than the rest of the set (when Sunwell Plateau arrived in patch 2.4), and have a completely different appearance to the earlier tier pieces, which are purchased using tokens from Black Temple and the Battle for Mount Hyjal.

The Lightbringer belts, bracers and boots visually match the Sunwell Paladin Sets, but thankfully there are pieces for these slots matching the rest of T6, listed in the ‘Extras’ section below.

The following list highlights the source of each tier token, which may used to buy the related armor pieces from Tydormu, just inside the entrance to Hyjal Summit in the Caverns of Time. If you are only interested in appearance, it doesn’t matter which armor set you choose, as they all look identical and are purchased from the same tokens anyway.

Head TokenHelm of the Forgotten Conqueror (BoP drop from Archimonde in Hyjal Summit, at a 65% drop rate)
Shoulder TokenPauldrons of the Forgotten Conqueror (BoP drop from Mother Shahraz in Black Temple, at a 65% drop rate)
Chest TokenChestguard of the Forgotten Conqueror (BoP drop from Illidan Stormrage in Black Temple, at a 66% drop rate)
Glove TokenGloves of the Forgotten Conqueror (BoP drop from Azgalor in Hyjal Summit, at a 65% drop rate)
Leg TokenLeggings of the Forgotten Conqueror (BoP drop from The Illidari Council in Black Temple, at a 70% drop rate)


WristsThe Seeker’s Wristguards (BoP drop from Shade of Akama in Black Temple, at a 9% drop rate)
WaistGirdle of Hope (BoP drop from Azgalor in Hyjal Summit, at a 17% drop rate)
FeetTide Stomper Greaves (BoP drop from High Warlord Naj’entus in Black Temple, at a 7% drop rate)

Sunwell Tier Pieces:
These do not match the above items. See Sunwell Paladin Sets for items matching the following tier pieces.

Bracer TokenBracers of the Forgotten Conqueror (BoP drop from Sathrovarr the Corruptor (Kalecgos))
Belt TokenBelt of the Forgotten Conqueror (BoP drop from Brutallus)
Boot TokenBoots of the Forgotten Conqueror (BoP drop from Felmyst)

~ by Noelani on August 23, 2011.

7 Responses to “Lightbringer Sets”

  1. I always liked the Barricade of Eternity with this set.

  2. The absolute best 2-hander for this set, hands down is the Stormrune Edge:

  3. Thx for the tipp, @mcmagi.

  4. Can anyone recommend good 2-hander to match this set ?

  5. The Felstone Bulwark or Bastion of Light would. Shield of the Mists is the same model as that. 346 ilvl one.

  6. Anyone know of a shield that would go good with this set besides the one from the Shattered Sun Offensive?

  7. You could also substitute with the Girdle of Hope for The Waistguard of Reparation which costs 390 JP and shares the same model and skin.

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